2011 Apprentice of the Year - Winner


2011 Apprentice of the Year - Runner Up

Bryce Eagle

2011 Trainee of the Year - Winner

Jake Langdon

Jake commenced employment at Almondco on the factory floor.  His employer quickly identified his potential in management and enrolled him in a Certificate IV in Business Management.  This role has led him to managing a number of domestic and export sales accounts and enabled him to visit other countries including the United Kingdom and Germany.

Jake has plans to increase his management skills through a Diploma and is continuing to be active in the sporting community.

2011 Trainee of the Year - Winner

Zoe Dick

Zoe displayed an exceptional knowledge of the vocation she has undertaken in the Beauty industry.  Her maturity and ability to communicate have been recognised by her employer and contributed to her winning the South Australian Trainee of the Year Award in 2011.

Zoe will complete her Diploma in Beauty in the next few months and has strong ambitions to set up her own business as a naturopath.

She has a strong understanding of Riverland issues and is an outstanding ambassador for young people in Waikerie and the Riverland.

2011 Trainee of the Year - Encouragement

Neil Drogemuller

Renmark Paringa Council

Neil displayed a strong passion for his industry and pride in the work he achieves for the Renmark Paringa Council.

He has had to overcome adversity because of a severe hearing loss, but his ability to adapt and inspire others has been outstanding.

2011 Industry Winner - Hairdressing

Ashlee Glazbrook

Halmani Hair Salon

Ashlee has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to her trade and has been recognized by her employer as a person to drive new initiatives to improve the business.

Ashlee currently manages Halmani Hair Salon in Renmark and is heavily involved in both teaching and supervising the hairdressing team.

Ashlee was selected in the Redken Session Styling Team at the Australian Fashion Festival.  She worked backstage with some of Australia’s most well known hair directors and stylists, creating the hair styles for the models paraded in the shows.

She has identified training as extremely valuable and has already enrolled in a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Ashlee has also found time to play sport at the highest level in the Riverland, but her real passion now seems to be music.  You can now see her in action as DJ Ashlee, coming soon to your local nightspot.

2011 Industry Winner - Building & Construction

Mathew Barry

Michael Kregar Building

Mathew has demonstrated an excellent understanding of all aspects of the carpentry trade and has put considerable effort into enhancing his knowledge and skills.

He was a mature age apprentice and has used his experience to show strong leadership skills in his workplace.

Matthew Littledyke


Matthew is one of the few people across the state to be enrolled in, and complete an apprenticeship in glazing.

He has shown great commitment to his family business, while finding time to be heavily involved in the Riverland community

Matthew is proud of his trade as a glazier and feels this has provided him with skills he can utilize anywhere in Australia.

2011 Industry Winner - Engineering

Bryce Eagle

Angove Family Winemakers

Bryce has displayed a high level of passion for Engineering.  The skills he displays have been recognized by numerous awards:

  • PW Stephens Memorial Award for Most Outstanding Student at Regency TAFE.
  • First place in the World Skills Australia Regional Finals in 2009
  • Silver medal in Turning in the National World Skills Finals in 2010

He loves the Riverland and particularly the River environment and the life style it brings.

His employer values him as an outstanding contributor to the organisation.

Bryce has exceptional communication skills and a strong work ethic.

2011 Industry Winner - Electrical

Joshua Ridgway

oshua has the advantage of coming from a small regional mallee community, enabling him to experience all aspects of the electrical industry.  His electrical knowledge is of the highest order.

As well as being successful in his trade, Joshua is heavily involved in the sporting community, captaining the A grade cricket team, and vice captain of the A grade football team in Lameroo.

2011 Industry Winner - Automotive

Troy Tschirpig


Troy is very passionate and self motivated and shows great commitment to his trade and his employer.  He has shown great resilience and tenacity to overcome a serious hand injury.  His ability to adapt and stay positive is a tribute to him.

Ty Mckenzie

Gibbs Auto Electrical

Ty is highly motivated and uses his initiative in his work.  He covers many kilometers across the Riverland and Mallee (including parts of Victoria) as part of his trade as an auto electrician.  In a specialized trade it is good to see Ty keen to pursue his career in the Riverland and Mallee Regions

2011 School Based Apprentice of the Year - Winner

Kyle Pedler

Loxton High School

Kyle is undertaking an automotive mechanical apprenticeship with Flight Motors in Loxton. His future goal is to be the best mechanic he can possibly be. He values the opportunity given to him by Flight Motors, and enjoys the excellent working environment and friendly and helpful team he works with. Kyle’s School Based Apprenticeship has enabled him to complete his SACE and start his career as a motor mechanic.

Cameron Jacob

Lameroo Regional Community School

Cameron is undertaking a Plumbing apprenticeship through Murraylands Training and Employment and hosted by Haig & Menzel  Contractors. Living in Geranium, Cameron  drove 100 kms each way to attend work in Murray Bridge.

He loves living in the country and hopes to stay living in a rural community while completing his apprenticeship. He would recommend a School Based Apprenticeship to any one who aspires to take on a trade as their profession, as it gives the best of both worlds; studying towards a profession while still obtaining your SACE.

2011 School Based Apprentice of the Year - Recognition

Cassandra Golding

2011 Vocational Educational Student of the Year - Winner

David Hoffmann

Waikerie High School

David has undertaken a Multi Trades Course through Berri TAFE. This has given him the opportunity to select subjects out of the “normal” subject range for senior school students, and has provided the chance to study something he was interested in, while giving a pathway to future study options and an apprenticeship.

David has now gained an Apprenticeship with Australian Industry Group Training Services, and will be working with Intercast & Forge in Wingfield.  The company exports to over 20 countries and supplies 40% of the Australia market for high quality cast iron components.  David hopes that this will give him the opportunity to obtain world standards skills and to travel and work in many countries.

2011 Vocational Educational Student of the Year - Winner

Briony Winen

Glossop High School

Briony has undertaken Certificate III in Children’s Services. This has fostered her desire to undertake a career working with children.  She loves seeing children learn new skills, and feels a sense of achievement playing a part in their learning.  Briony would like to thank the staff at the Barmera Kindergarten for being included as part of their team.

Her goal is to attend University to study early childhood education and to return to work in a country region. Her VET studies in Children’s Services have been a wonderful pathway towards her future career.