2021 Award Winners

2021 Apprentice of the Year - Winner
Kelsey Wade
Employed by Print DNA
Certificate III in Print Communications
Kelsey has been successful in several industry competitions, and was voted the most outstanding apprentice in the young Achiever of the Year awards in 2021. Kelsey is described by her employer as an exceptional tradesperson, and impressed judges with her industry knowledge and commitment to excellence in her role.
Riley Thomson
Employed by LecLogix Riverland & Mallee Pty Ltd
Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
Riley has completed training in welding, has a HC truck licence and holds tickets in Scissor lift and Forklift. Reilly values the skills and experience he is gaining, and is committed to building a successful career in his chosen trade. He is described by his employer as a professional and motivated tradesman, and impressed judges with his industry commitment and various community volunteering roles.

2021 Apprentice of the Year - Runner Up
Tom Azzopardi
Employed by Rosenthal Automotive
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
Tom values the knowledge he has gained during his apprenticeship and enjoys working in a team environment. He intends to continue his training to gain a Refrigerant Handling License and specialise in hybrid electrical vehicles. Tom’s employer describes him as reliable with high quality work performance. He is a popular and much valued team member within the organisation.

2021 Trainee of the Year - Winner
William Gillett
Employed by Tim Whetstone MP
Certificate III in Business
William impressed judges with his many volunteering roles, and commitment to supporting and improving regional communities. William’s employer is proud of his achievements and commended his initiative, professionalism and willingness to learn in a fast-paced environment. William values the experience his current traineeship has provided and intends to complete a Business degree at University in the future.

2021 Trainee of the Year - Runner Up
Travis O’Shaughnessy
Employed by District Council of Loxton Waikerie
Certificate III in Business
Travis valued the opportunity to complete a qualification whilst working in a professional organisation in his home town. Travis intends to complete a Bachelor of Business or Education on completion of his traineeship. Travis impressed judges with his customer relation and problem-solving skills. His employer commented that they often receive compliments for his friendly manner and knowledge, and described Travis as an invaluable asset to their team.

2021 Industry Winner - Automotive
Tom Azzopardi
Employed by Rosenthal Automotive
Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
Tom values the knowledge he has gained during his apprenticeship and enjoys working in a team environment. He intends to continue his training to gain a Refrigerant Handling License and specialise in hybrid electrical vehicles. Tom’s employer describes him as reliable with high quality work performance. He is a popular and much valued team member within the organisation.

2021 Industry Winner - CITB Building & Construction
Jesse Bannister
Employed by Michael Kregar Building
Certificate III in Carpentry
Jesse values the wide variety of projects he is involved with, and enjoys the high standard of workmanship he is able to provide clients. Jesse supports the growth of future tradesmen by mentoring work experience students and intends to gain further qualifications in the building industry. His employer describes him as a quiet achiever who has worked hard to become an exceptional tradesman and valued team member.

2021 Industry Winner - Bakery/ Commercial Cookery
Courtney Davis
Employed by Mallee Estates
Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
Courtney began as a kitchen hand, and quickly progressed to an apprentice chef at Mallee Estate. Courtney works hard to balance training, shift work and caring for her young family. She was awarded SA Apprentice of the year at the 2021 Restaurant and Catering Awards, and impressed judges with her determination to succeed in the career she loves. Her employer describes Courtney as a passionate team player who has worked hard to become a leader in their business.

2021 Industry Winner - Electrotech/Engineering/Air Conditioning
Riley Thomson
Employed by LecLogix Riverland & Mallee Pty Ltd
Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
Riley has completed training in welding, has a HC truck licence and holds tickets in Scissor lift and Forklift. Reilly values the skills and experience he is gaining, and is committed to building a successful career in his chosen trade. He is described by his employer as a professional and motivated tradesman, and impressed judges with his industry commitment and various community volunteering roles.

2021 Industry Winner - Hairdressing
Marianthi Minnas (Mia)
Employed by Cindys Hair and Beauty
RTO – Clip Joint Education
Certificate III in Hairdressing
Marianthi (Mia) is completing her apprenticeship with Clip Joint Education in Adelaide. Mia has completed a Barbers course and appreciates working and learning with an experienced and supportive team. Mia is keen to learn more about business operations, and plans to own her own salon one day.

2021 Industry Winner - Print Communications
Kelsey Wade
Employed by Print DNA
Certificate III in Print Communications
Kelsey has been successful in several industry competitions, and was voted the most outstanding apprentice in the young Achiever of the Year awards in 2021. Kelsey is described by her employer as an exceptional tradesperson, and impressed judges with her industry knowledge and commitment to excellence in her role.

2021 School Based Apprentice of the Year - Winner
Callum Irlam
Loxton High School
Employed by Loxton Hotel
Certificate 3 Commercial Cookery
Callum has proven himself to be an outstanding Chef at the Loxton Hotel, where he works as a School Based Apprentice while completing Cert III in Commercial Cookery. Callum values the positive atmosphere and support he receives from his colleagues and is constantly working to improve his skills.

2021 School Based Apprentice of the Year - Runner Up
Sarah Kassebaum
Glossop High School
Employed by Jarahs Hair
Certificate 3 Hairdressing
Sarah has a School Based Apprenticeship with Jarahs Hair Salon in Berri and is studying Cert III in Hairdressing. She strives to be the best and seeks out extra training opportunities to add to her skill set. Starting to build her own clientele has given Sarah a huge sense of achievement and reinforces her passion for her career.

2021 School Based Trainee of the Year - Winner
Ceobahn Webber
Renmark High School
Employed by Calperum Station (ALT)
RTO – GrowSmart Training
Certificate 3 Conservation and Ecosystems Management
Ceobahn values the support from the staff and the opportunities to explore the possibilities within this industry, while in the real world of work. Judges were impressed with her attitude that solutions to challenges can be found through application of knowledge. Her employer quoted a recent guest to the Station who was ‘blown away’ by her knowledge of flora and fauna, and the clear vision she holds for her career pathway.

2021 School Based Trainee of the Year - Runner Up
Sakina Qambari
Renmark High School
Employed by Renmark Club
Certificate 3 Hospitality
Sakina is being exposed to the various sectors within hospitality Sakina has gained valuable skills and experience. She is considered an outstanding hospitality staff member, with great work ethic, motivation, and initiative to succeed. Sakina presents as a confident, competent young girl with great potential. Her future goal is to introduce Afghan cuisine to the Riverland in her own restaurant.

2021 Vocational Educational Student of the Year - Winner
Jarra Gibbs
Loxton High School
RTO – MADEC Australia
Certificate 3 Individual Support/Ageing
Having a kind and compassionate nature, Jarra chose to complete Cert III in Individual Support/Ageing in the VET in Schools Program in 2021. Her respect and care for the elderly was recognised on her placement at Loxton Riverview Lutheran Rest Home where she now has part time employment as a Carer. Jarra plans to continue her studies to become a Registered Nurse.

2021 Vocational Educational Student of the Year - Runner Up
Nathan Casey
Berri Regional Secondary College
RTO – MADEC Australia
Certificate 3 Early Childhood Education and Care
Nathan completed his Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care while completing year 11 at Glossop High School in 2021. His bubbly personality, energy and motivation on placement, secured him employment with the Riverland Early Learning Centre in Renmark. Nathan plans to complete a Diploma and Degree in Primary Teaching.